Shamanic Sound Journeys

Stephanie is a Shamanic energy healer who will take you on a deep soul journey with sacred sounds of drum, singing bowls and rattles. Her beautiful singing voice will further release the old  wounds and blockages that have kept you from moving forward on your path. 

The subtle bodies hold imbalances and traumas that can eventually manifest in our physical bodies, as discomfort, pain and eventually dis-ease. It is important to release these stuck patterns and belief systems to return our bodies to a homeostatic state. (Balanced & healthy)
Sound Healing can help you return your body to it's natural peaceful self. The sound waves move through you releasing the low vibration occupied in your cells to enable a relaxation that initiates release.


Light Language and crystal bowl Medicine


Sound Journey/ Medicine Ceremony



(6 people minimum)

This is a great offering to experience with friends, coworkers and family, held in your workplace, home, community centre, school or retreat.

what can be experienced in the sound journey is:
-pranayam (breathwork)

-connection exercises with your group
-removing blocks 
-expansion in intuition
-deep grounding and heart opening
-deep state of relaxation (helping to lower blood pressure)
-individual channelled light language messages and healing 

-introduction to plant medicines*

-indiviual essential oils to take home*

Stephanie is a Shamanic energy healer who will take you on a deep soul journey with sacred sounds of drum, singing bowls and rattles. Her beautiful singing voice will further release the old  wounds and blockages that have kept you from moving forward on your path.